Maximum count of Azure Policy objects
Naming restrictions
Policy rule limits
ASC main Policy definitions
ASC Pricing&Settings Policy definitions
A curated list of AWESOME blogs, videos, tutorials, code, tools, scripts.
Anything which can help you learn Azure Policy and quickly get started with designing, planning, and
implementing governance controls to your resources.
Enterprise-ready Azure Policy-as-Code (EPAC) solution (includes Az DevOps pipeline)
Another website to quickly find and search for Azure Policy Aliases (codebase open source)
Learn, learn, learn - SavillTech (overview of all sessions now integrated with AzAdvertizer (catchUp))
Ready to go rules for testing Azure Infrastructure as Code (IaC)
PSRule for Azure
Analyze Azure resources for best practices and recommendations
GitHub repository
Huge collection of Azure icons in PNG and SVG (Visio importable) format
Goal of this project is to provide a way to keep up with the ever changing Microsoft documentation
on Microsoft Azure, Microsoft 365 and the Microsoft Graph.
Azure Optimization Engine (AOE) is an extensible solution designed to generate optimization
recommendations for your Azure environment. See it like a fully customizable Azure
blog series on the tool: Augmenting Azure Advisor Cost Recommendations for Automated
Continuous Optimization
Azure Resource inventory (ARI) is a powerful script written in powershell to generate an Excel report of any Azure Environment you have read access
PowerShell module to automatically generate Azure resource topology diagrams by just typing a PowerShell cmdlet and passing the name of one or more Azure Resource Group(s)
In some cases you pay for resources even though they are orphans and in other cases the resources have no cost but they can be the cause of misconfiguration and complexity operational.
Includes Weekly AzureUpdates, Latest TechCommunity posts, latest MicrosoftSecurity posts, and posts
from the Azure community, including recently released or modified Microsoft Learn content.
A web application that helps with Azure IP ranges and Service Tags
Microsoft Azure Cloud IP ranges - You can easily filter by Service Tags
Azure REST API call handler for Microsoft Graph, Azure Resource Management (ARM), KeyVault, Log Analytics, Storage and more..
AzAPICall GitHub repository
Community driven project to list all of Microsoft's portals in one place