last sync: 2024-Sep-18 17:50:42 UTC

[Deprecated]: Deploy Diagnostic Settings to Azure Services

Azure Landing Zones (ALZ) Policy Initiative (PolicySet)

Source Repository Azure Landing Zones (ALZ) GitHub
JSON Deploy-Diagnostics-LogAnalytics
Display name[Deprecated]: Deploy Diagnostic Settings to Azure Services
Details on versioning
DescriptionThis policy set deploys the configurations of application Azure resources to forward diagnostic logs and metrics to an Azure Log Analytics workspace. This policy set is superseded by built-in initiative
TypeCustom Azure Landing Zones (ALZ)
Policy count Total Policies: 70
Builtin Policies: 17
Static Policies: 0
ALZ Policies: 53
Policy used
Policy DisplayName Policy Id Category Effect Roles# Roles State Type
[Deprecated] Diagnostic Settings for MariaDB to Log Analytics Workspace Deploy-Diagnostics-MariaDB Monitoring Default
DeployIfNotExists, Disabled
2 Log Analytics Contributor, Monitoring Contributor Deprecated ALZ
[Deprecated]: Deploy Diagnostic Settings for Analysis Services to Log Analytics workspace Deploy-Diagnostics-AnalysisService Monitoring Default
DeployIfNotExists, Disabled
2 Log Analytics Contributor, Monitoring Contributor Deprecated ALZ
[Deprecated]: Deploy Diagnostic Settings for API Management to Log Analytics workspace Deploy-Diagnostics-APIMgmt Monitoring Default
DeployIfNotExists, Disabled
2 Log Analytics Contributor, Monitoring Contributor Deprecated ALZ
[Deprecated]: Deploy Diagnostic Settings for App Service Plan to Log Analytics workspace Deploy-Diagnostics-WebServerFarm Monitoring Default
DeployIfNotExists, Disabled
2 Log Analytics Contributor, Monitoring Contributor Deprecated ALZ
[Deprecated]: Deploy Diagnostic Settings for App Service to Log Analytics workspace Deploy-Diagnostics-Website Monitoring Default
DeployIfNotExists, Disabled
2 Log Analytics Contributor, Monitoring Contributor Deprecated ALZ
[Deprecated]: Deploy Diagnostic Settings for Application Gateway to Log Analytics workspace Deploy-Diagnostics-ApplicationGateway Monitoring Default
DeployIfNotExists, Disabled
2 Log Analytics Contributor, Monitoring Contributor Deprecated ALZ
[Deprecated]: Deploy Diagnostic Settings for Automation to Log Analytics workspace Deploy-Diagnostics-AA Monitoring Default
DeployIfNotExists, Disabled
2 Log Analytics Contributor, Monitoring Contributor Deprecated ALZ
[Deprecated]: Deploy Diagnostic Settings for AVD Application group to Log Analytics workspace Deploy-Diagnostics-WVDAppGroup Monitoring Default
DeployIfNotExists, Disabled
2 Log Analytics Contributor, Monitoring Contributor Deprecated ALZ
[Deprecated]: Deploy Diagnostic Settings for AVD Host Pools to Log Analytics workspace Deploy-Diagnostics-WVDHostPools Monitoring Default
DeployIfNotExists, Disabled
2 Log Analytics Contributor, Monitoring Contributor Deprecated ALZ
[Deprecated]: Deploy Diagnostic Settings for AVD Scaling Plans to Log Analytics workspace Deploy-Diagnostics-AVDScalingPlans Monitoring Default
DeployIfNotExists, Disabled
2 Log Analytics Contributor, Monitoring Contributor Deprecated ALZ
[Deprecated]: Deploy Diagnostic Settings for AVD Workspace to Log Analytics workspace Deploy-Diagnostics-WVDWorkspace Monitoring Default
DeployIfNotExists, Disabled
2 Log Analytics Contributor, Monitoring Contributor Deprecated ALZ
[Deprecated]: Deploy Diagnostic Settings for Azure API for FHIR to Log Analytics workspace Deploy-Diagnostics-ApiForFHIR Monitoring Default
DeployIfNotExists, Disabled
2 Log Analytics Contributor, Monitoring Contributor Deprecated ALZ
[Deprecated]: Deploy Diagnostic Settings for Azure Bastion to Log Analytics workspace Deploy-Diagnostics-Bastion Monitoring Default
DeployIfNotExists, Disabled
2 Log Analytics Contributor, Monitoring Contributor Deprecated ALZ
[Deprecated]: Deploy Diagnostic Settings for Azure Data Explorer Cluster to Log Analytics workspace Deploy-Diagnostics-DataExplorerCluster Monitoring Default
DeployIfNotExists, Disabled
2 Log Analytics Contributor, Monitoring Contributor Deprecated ALZ
[Deprecated]: Deploy Diagnostic Settings for Azure Function App to Log Analytics workspace Deploy-Diagnostics-Function Monitoring Default
DeployIfNotExists, Disabled
2 Log Analytics Contributor, Monitoring Contributor Deprecated ALZ
[Deprecated]: Deploy Diagnostic Settings for Azure Media Service to Log Analytics workspace Deploy-Diagnostics-MediaService Monitoring Default
DeployIfNotExists, Disabled
2 Log Analytics Contributor, Monitoring Contributor Deprecated ALZ
[Deprecated]: Deploy Diagnostic Settings for CDN Endpoint to Log Analytics workspace Deploy-Diagnostics-CDNEndpoints Monitoring Default
DeployIfNotExists, Disabled
2 Log Analytics Contributor, Monitoring Contributor Deprecated ALZ
[Deprecated]: Deploy Diagnostic Settings for Cognitive Services to Log Analytics workspace Deploy-Diagnostics-CognitiveServices Monitoring Default
DeployIfNotExists, Disabled
2 Log Analytics Contributor, Monitoring Contributor Deprecated ALZ
[Deprecated]: Deploy Diagnostic Settings for Container Instances to Log Analytics workspace Deploy-Diagnostics-ACI Monitoring Default
DeployIfNotExists, Disabled
2 Log Analytics Contributor, Monitoring Contributor Deprecated ALZ
[Deprecated]: Deploy Diagnostic Settings for Container Registry to Log Analytics workspace Deploy-Diagnostics-ACR Monitoring Default
DeployIfNotExists, Disabled
2 Log Analytics Contributor, Monitoring Contributor Deprecated ALZ
[Deprecated]: Deploy Diagnostic Settings for Cosmos DB to Log Analytics workspace Deploy-Diagnostics-CosmosDB Monitoring Default
DeployIfNotExists, Disabled
2 Log Analytics Contributor, Monitoring Contributor Deprecated ALZ
[Deprecated]: Deploy Diagnostic Settings for Data Factory to Log Analytics workspace Deploy-Diagnostics-DataFactory Monitoring Default
DeployIfNotExists, Disabled
2 Log Analytics Contributor, Monitoring Contributor Deprecated ALZ
[Deprecated]: Deploy Diagnostic Settings for Data Lake Analytics to Log Analytics workspace Deploy-Diagnostics-DLAnalytics Monitoring Default
DeployIfNotExists, Disabled
2 Log Analytics Contributor, Monitoring Contributor Deprecated ALZ
[Deprecated]: Deploy Diagnostic Settings for Database for MySQL to Log Analytics workspace Deploy-Diagnostics-MySQL Monitoring Default
DeployIfNotExists, Disabled
2 Log Analytics Contributor, Monitoring Contributor Deprecated ALZ
[Deprecated]: Deploy Diagnostic Settings for Database for PostgreSQL to Log Analytics workspace Deploy-Diagnostics-PostgreSQL Monitoring Default
DeployIfNotExists, Disabled
2 Log Analytics Contributor, Monitoring Contributor Deprecated ALZ
[Deprecated]: Deploy Diagnostic Settings for Databricks to Log Analytics workspace Deploy-Diagnostics-Databricks Monitoring Default
DeployIfNotExists, Disabled
2 Log Analytics Contributor, Monitoring Contributor Deprecated ALZ
[Deprecated]: Deploy Diagnostic Settings for Event Grid subscriptions to Log Analytics workspace Deploy-Diagnostics-EventGridSub Monitoring Default
DeployIfNotExists, Disabled
2 Log Analytics Contributor, Monitoring Contributor Deprecated ALZ
[Deprecated]: Deploy Diagnostic Settings for Event Grid System Topic to Log Analytics workspace Deploy-Diagnostics-EventGridSystemTopic Monitoring Default
DeployIfNotExists, Disabled
2 Log Analytics Contributor, Monitoring Contributor Deprecated ALZ
[Deprecated]: Deploy Diagnostic Settings for Event Grid Topic to Log Analytics workspace Deploy-Diagnostics-EventGridTopic Monitoring Default
DeployIfNotExists, Disabled
2 Log Analytics Contributor, Monitoring Contributor Deprecated ALZ
[Deprecated]: Deploy Diagnostic Settings for ExpressRoute to Log Analytics workspace Deploy-Diagnostics-ExpressRoute Monitoring Default
DeployIfNotExists, Disabled
2 Log Analytics Contributor, Monitoring Contributor Deprecated ALZ
[Deprecated]: Deploy Diagnostic Settings for Firewall to Log Analytics workspace Deploy-Diagnostics-Firewall Monitoring Default
DeployIfNotExists, Disabled
2 Log Analytics Contributor, Monitoring Contributor Deprecated ALZ
[Deprecated]: Deploy Diagnostic Settings for Front Door to Log Analytics workspace Deploy-Diagnostics-FrontDoor Monitoring Default
DeployIfNotExists, Disabled
2 Log Analytics Contributor, Monitoring Contributor Deprecated ALZ
[Deprecated]: Deploy Diagnostic Settings for HDInsight to Log Analytics workspace Deploy-Diagnostics-HDInsight Monitoring Default
DeployIfNotExists, Disabled
2 Log Analytics Contributor, Monitoring Contributor Deprecated ALZ
[Deprecated]: Deploy Diagnostic Settings for IoT Hub to Log Analytics workspace Deploy-Diagnostics-iotHub Monitoring Default
DeployIfNotExists, Disabled
2 Log Analytics Contributor, Monitoring Contributor Deprecated ALZ
[Deprecated]: Deploy Diagnostic Settings for Load Balancer to Log Analytics workspace Deploy-Diagnostics-LoadBalancer Monitoring Default
DeployIfNotExists, Disabled
2 Log Analytics Contributor, Monitoring Contributor Deprecated ALZ
[Deprecated]: Deploy Diagnostic Settings for Log Analytics to Log Analytics workspace Deploy-Diagnostics-LogAnalytics Monitoring Default
DeployIfNotExists, Disabled
2 Log Analytics Contributor, Monitoring Contributor Deprecated ALZ
[Deprecated]: Deploy Diagnostic Settings for Logic Apps integration service environment to Log Analytics workspace Deploy-Diagnostics-LogicAppsISE Monitoring Default
DeployIfNotExists, Disabled
2 Log Analytics Contributor, Monitoring Contributor Deprecated ALZ
[Deprecated]: Deploy Diagnostic Settings for Machine Learning workspace to Log Analytics workspace Deploy-Diagnostics-MlWorkspace Monitoring Default
DeployIfNotExists, Disabled
2 Log Analytics Contributor, Monitoring Contributor Deprecated ALZ
[Deprecated]: Deploy Diagnostic Settings for Network Interfaces to Log Analytics workspace Deploy-Diagnostics-NIC Monitoring Default
DeployIfNotExists, Disabled
2 Log Analytics Contributor, Monitoring Contributor Deprecated ALZ
[Deprecated]: Deploy Diagnostic Settings for Network Security Groups to Log Analytics workspace Deploy-Diagnostics-NetworkSecurityGroups Monitoring Default
DeployIfNotExists, Disabled
2 Log Analytics Contributor, Monitoring Contributor Deprecated ALZ
[Deprecated]: Deploy Diagnostic Settings for Power BI Embedded to Log Analytics workspace Deploy-Diagnostics-PowerBIEmbedded Monitoring Default
DeployIfNotExists, Disabled
2 Log Analytics Contributor, Monitoring Contributor Deprecated ALZ
[Deprecated]: Deploy Diagnostic Settings for Redis Cache to Log Analytics workspace Deploy-Diagnostics-RedisCache Monitoring Default
DeployIfNotExists, Disabled
2 Log Analytics Contributor, Monitoring Contributor Deprecated ALZ
[Deprecated]: Deploy Diagnostic Settings for Relay to Log Analytics workspace Deploy-Diagnostics-Relay Monitoring Default
DeployIfNotExists, Disabled
2 Log Analytics Contributor, Monitoring Contributor Deprecated ALZ
[Deprecated]: Deploy Diagnostic Settings for SignalR to Log Analytics workspace Deploy-Diagnostics-SignalR Monitoring Default
DeployIfNotExists, Disabled
2 Log Analytics Contributor, Monitoring Contributor Deprecated ALZ
[Deprecated]: Deploy Diagnostic Settings for SQL Elastic Pools to Log Analytics workspace Deploy-Diagnostics-SQLElasticPools Monitoring Default
DeployIfNotExists, Disabled
2 Log Analytics Contributor, Monitoring Contributor Deprecated ALZ
[Deprecated]: Deploy Diagnostic Settings for SQL Managed Instances to Log Analytics workspace Deploy-Diagnostics-SQLMI Monitoring Default
DeployIfNotExists, Disabled
2 Log Analytics Contributor, Monitoring Contributor Deprecated ALZ
[Deprecated]: Deploy Diagnostic Settings for Time Series Insights to Log Analytics workspace Deploy-Diagnostics-TimeSeriesInsights Monitoring Default
DeployIfNotExists, Disabled
2 Log Analytics Contributor, Monitoring Contributor Deprecated ALZ
[Deprecated]: Deploy Diagnostic Settings for Traffic Manager to Log Analytics workspace Deploy-Diagnostics-TrafficManager Monitoring Default
DeployIfNotExists, Disabled
2 Log Analytics Contributor, Monitoring Contributor Deprecated ALZ
[Deprecated]: Deploy Diagnostic Settings for Virtual Machine Scale Sets to Log Analytics workspace Deploy-Diagnostics-VMSS Monitoring Default
DeployIfNotExists, Disabled
2 Log Analytics Contributor, Monitoring Contributor Deprecated ALZ
[Deprecated]: Deploy Diagnostic Settings for Virtual Machines to Log Analytics workspace Deploy-Diagnostics-VM Monitoring Default
DeployIfNotExists, Disabled
2 Log Analytics Contributor, Monitoring Contributor Deprecated ALZ
[Deprecated]: Deploy Diagnostic Settings for Virtual Network to Log Analytics workspace Deploy-Diagnostics-VirtualNetwork Monitoring Default
DeployIfNotExists, Disabled
2 Log Analytics Contributor, Monitoring Contributor Deprecated ALZ
[Deprecated]: Deploy Diagnostic Settings for VPN Gateway to Log Analytics workspace Deploy-Diagnostics-VNetGW Monitoring Default
DeployIfNotExists, Disabled
2 Log Analytics Contributor, Monitoring Contributor Deprecated ALZ
[Deprecated]: Deploy Diagnostic Settings for VWAN S2S VPN Gateway to Log Analytics workspace Deploy-Diagnostics-VWanS2SVPNGW Monitoring Default
DeployIfNotExists, Disabled
2 Log Analytics Contributor, Monitoring Contributor Deprecated ALZ
Configure diagnostic settings for Blob Services to Log Analytics workspace b4fe1a3b-0715-4c6c-a5ea-ffc33cf823cb Storage Default
DeployIfNotExists, AuditIfNotExists, Disabled
2 Log Analytics Contributor, Monitoring Contributor GA BuiltIn
Configure diagnostic settings for File Services to Log Analytics workspace 25a70cc8-2bd4-47f1-90b6-1478e4662c96 Storage Default
DeployIfNotExists, AuditIfNotExists, Disabled
2 Log Analytics Contributor, Monitoring Contributor GA BuiltIn
Configure diagnostic settings for Queue Services to Log Analytics workspace 7bd000e3-37c7-4928-9f31-86c4b77c5c45 Storage Default
DeployIfNotExists, AuditIfNotExists, Disabled
2 Log Analytics Contributor, Monitoring Contributor GA BuiltIn
Configure diagnostic settings for Storage Accounts to Log Analytics workspace 59759c62-9a22-4cdf-ae64-074495983fef Storage Default
DeployIfNotExists, AuditIfNotExists, Disabled
2 Log Analytics Contributor, Monitoring Contributor GA BuiltIn
Configure diagnostic settings for Table Services to Log Analytics workspace 2fb86bf3-d221-43d1-96d1-2434af34eaa0 Storage Default
DeployIfNotExists, AuditIfNotExists, Disabled
2 Log Analytics Contributor, Monitoring Contributor GA BuiltIn
Deploy - Configure diagnostic settings for Azure Kubernetes Service to Log Analytics workspace 6c66c325-74c8-42fd-a286-a74b0e2939d8 Kubernetes Default
DeployIfNotExists, Disabled
2 Log Analytics Contributor, Monitoring Contributor GA BuiltIn
Deploy - Configure diagnostic settings for SQL Databases to Log Analytics workspace b79fa14e-238a-4c2d-b376-442ce508fc84 SQL Default
DeployIfNotExists, Disabled
2 Log Analytics Contributor, Monitoring Contributor GA BuiltIn
Deploy Diagnostic Settings for Batch Account to Log Analytics workspace c84e5349-db6d-4769-805e-e14037dab9b5 Monitoring Default
DeployIfNotExists, Disabled
2 Log Analytics Contributor, Monitoring Contributor GA BuiltIn
Deploy Diagnostic Settings for Data Lake Analytics to Log Analytics workspace d56a5a7c-72d7-42bc-8ceb-3baf4c0eae03 Monitoring Default
DeployIfNotExists, Disabled
2 Log Analytics Contributor, Monitoring Contributor GA BuiltIn
Deploy Diagnostic Settings for Event Hub to Log Analytics workspace 1f6e93e8-6b31-41b1-83f6-36e449a42579 Monitoring Default
DeployIfNotExists, Disabled
2 Log Analytics Contributor, Monitoring Contributor GA BuiltIn
Deploy Diagnostic Settings for Key Vault to Log Analytics workspace bef3f64c-5290-43b7-85b0-9b254eef4c47 Monitoring Default
DeployIfNotExists, Disabled
2 Log Analytics Contributor, Monitoring Contributor GA BuiltIn
Deploy Diagnostic Settings for Logic Apps to Log Analytics workspace b889a06c-ec72-4b03-910a-cb169ee18721 Monitoring Default
DeployIfNotExists, Disabled
2 Log Analytics Contributor, Monitoring Contributor GA BuiltIn
Deploy Diagnostic Settings for Recovery Services Vault to Log Analytics workspace for resource specific categories. c717fb0c-d118-4c43-ab3d-ece30ac81fb3 Backup Fixed
2 Log Analytics Contributor, Monitoring Contributor GA BuiltIn
Deploy Diagnostic Settings for Search Services to Log Analytics workspace 08ba64b8-738f-4918-9686-730d2ed79c7d Monitoring Default
DeployIfNotExists, Disabled
2 Log Analytics Contributor, Monitoring Contributor GA BuiltIn
Deploy Diagnostic Settings for Service Bus to Log Analytics workspace 04d53d87-841c-4f23-8a5b-21564380b55e Monitoring Default
DeployIfNotExists, Disabled
2 Log Analytics Contributor, Monitoring Contributor GA BuiltIn
Deploy Diagnostic Settings for Stream Analytics to Log Analytics workspace 237e0f7e-b0e8-4ec4-ad46-8c12cb66d673 Monitoring Default
DeployIfNotExists, Disabled
2 Log Analytics Contributor, Monitoring Contributor GA BuiltIn
Public IP addresses should have resource logs enabled for Azure DDoS Protection 752154a7-1e0f-45c6-a880-ac75a7e4f648 Monitoring Default
AuditIfNotExists, DeployIfNotExists, Disabled
1 Log Analytics Contributor GA BuiltIn
Roles used
Total Roles usage: 139
Total Roles unique usage: 2
Role Role Id Policies count Policies
Monitoring Contributor 749f88d5-cbae-40b8-bcfc-e573ddc772fa 69 [Deprecated] Diagnostic Settings for MariaDB to Log Analytics Workspace, [Deprecated]: Deploy Diagnostic Settings for Analysis Services to Log Analytics workspace, [Deprecated]: Deploy Diagnostic Settings for API Management to Log Analytics workspace, [Deprecated]: Deploy Diagnostic Settings for App Service Plan to Log Analytics workspace, [Deprecated]: Deploy Diagnostic Settings for App Service to Log Analytics workspace, [Deprecated]: Deploy Diagnostic Settings for Application Gateway to Log Analytics workspace, [Deprecated]: Deploy Diagnostic Settings for Automation to Log Analytics workspace, [Deprecated]: Deploy Diagnostic Settings for AVD Application group to Log Analytics workspace, [Deprecated]: Deploy Diagnostic Settings for AVD Host Pools to Log Analytics workspace, [Deprecated]: Deploy Diagnostic Settings for AVD Scaling Plans to Log Analytics workspace, [Deprecated]: Deploy Diagnostic Settings for AVD Workspace to Log Analytics workspace, [Deprecated]: Deploy Diagnostic Settings for Azure API for FHIR to Log Analytics workspace, [Deprecated]: Deploy Diagnostic Settings for Azure Bastion to Log Analytics workspace, [Deprecated]: Deploy Diagnostic Settings for Azure Data Explorer Cluster to Log Analytics workspace, [Deprecated]: Deploy Diagnostic Settings for Azure Function App to Log Analytics workspace, [Deprecated]: Deploy Diagnostic Settings for Azure Media Service to Log Analytics workspace, [Deprecated]: Deploy Diagnostic Settings for CDN Endpoint to Log Analytics workspace, [Deprecated]: Deploy Diagnostic Settings for Cognitive Services to Log Analytics workspace, [Deprecated]: Deploy Diagnostic Settings for Container Instances to Log Analytics workspace, [Deprecated]: Deploy Diagnostic Settings for Container Registry to Log Analytics workspace, [Deprecated]: Deploy Diagnostic Settings for Cosmos DB to Log Analytics workspace, [Deprecated]: Deploy Diagnostic Settings for Data Factory to Log Analytics workspace, [Deprecated]: Deploy Diagnostic Settings for Data Lake Analytics to Log Analytics workspace, [Deprecated]: Deploy Diagnostic Settings for Database for MySQL to Log Analytics workspace, [Deprecated]: Deploy Diagnostic Settings for Database for PostgreSQL to Log Analytics workspace, [Deprecated]: Deploy Diagnostic Settings for Databricks to Log Analytics workspace, [Deprecated]: Deploy Diagnostic Settings for Event Grid subscriptions to Log Analytics workspace, [Deprecated]: Deploy Diagnostic Settings for Event Grid System Topic to Log Analytics workspace, [Deprecated]: Deploy Diagnostic Settings for Event Grid Topic to Log Analytics workspace, [Deprecated]: Deploy Diagnostic Settings for ExpressRoute to Log Analytics workspace, [Deprecated]: Deploy Diagnostic Settings for Firewall to Log Analytics workspace, [Deprecated]: Deploy Diagnostic Settings for Front Door to Log Analytics workspace, [Deprecated]: Deploy Diagnostic Settings for HDInsight to Log Analytics workspace, [Deprecated]: Deploy Diagnostic Settings for IoT Hub to Log Analytics workspace, [Deprecated]: Deploy Diagnostic Settings for Load Balancer to Log Analytics workspace, [Deprecated]: Deploy Diagnostic Settings for Log Analytics to Log Analytics workspace, [Deprecated]: Deploy Diagnostic Settings for Logic Apps integration service environment to Log Analytics workspace, [Deprecated]: Deploy Diagnostic Settings for Machine Learning workspace to Log Analytics workspace, [Deprecated]: Deploy Diagnostic Settings for Network Interfaces to Log Analytics workspace, [Deprecated]: Deploy Diagnostic Settings for Network Security Groups to Log Analytics workspace, [Deprecated]: Deploy Diagnostic Settings for Power BI Embedded to Log Analytics workspace, [Deprecated]: Deploy Diagnostic Settings for Redis Cache to Log Analytics workspace, [Deprecated]: Deploy Diagnostic Settings for Relay to Log Analytics workspace, [Deprecated]: Deploy Diagnostic Settings for SignalR to Log Analytics workspace, [Deprecated]: Deploy Diagnostic Settings for SQL Elastic Pools to Log Analytics workspace, [Deprecated]: Deploy Diagnostic Settings for SQL Managed Instances to Log Analytics workspace, [Deprecated]: Deploy Diagnostic Settings for Time Series Insights to Log Analytics workspace, [Deprecated]: Deploy Diagnostic Settings for Traffic Manager to Log Analytics workspace, [Deprecated]: Deploy Diagnostic Settings for Virtual Machine Scale Sets to Log Analytics workspace, [Deprecated]: Deploy Diagnostic Settings for Virtual Machines to Log Analytics workspace, [Deprecated]: Deploy Diagnostic Settings for Virtual Network to Log Analytics workspace, [Deprecated]: Deploy Diagnostic Settings for VPN Gateway to Log Analytics workspace, [Deprecated]: Deploy Diagnostic Settings for VWAN S2S VPN Gateway to Log Analytics workspace, Configure diagnostic settings for Blob Services to Log Analytics workspace, Configure diagnostic settings for File Services to Log Analytics workspace, Configure diagnostic settings for Queue Services to Log Analytics workspace, Configure diagnostic settings for Storage Accounts to Log Analytics workspace, Configure diagnostic settings for Table Services to Log Analytics workspace, Deploy - Configure diagnostic settings for Azure Kubernetes Service to Log Analytics workspace, Deploy - Configure diagnostic settings for SQL Databases to Log Analytics workspace, Deploy Diagnostic Settings for Batch Account to Log Analytics workspace, Deploy Diagnostic Settings for Data Lake Analytics to Log Analytics workspace, Deploy Diagnostic Settings for Event Hub to Log Analytics workspace, Deploy Diagnostic Settings for Key Vault to Log Analytics workspace, Deploy Diagnostic Settings for Logic Apps to Log Analytics workspace, Deploy Diagnostic Settings for Recovery Services Vault to Log Analytics workspace for resource specific categories., Deploy Diagnostic Settings for Search Services to Log Analytics workspace, Deploy Diagnostic Settings for Service Bus to Log Analytics workspace, Deploy Diagnostic Settings for Stream Analytics to Log Analytics workspace
Log Analytics Contributor 92aaf0da-9dab-42b6-94a3-d43ce8d16293 70 [Deprecated] Diagnostic Settings for MariaDB to Log Analytics Workspace, [Deprecated]: Deploy Diagnostic Settings for Analysis Services to Log Analytics workspace, [Deprecated]: Deploy Diagnostic Settings for API Management to Log Analytics workspace, [Deprecated]: Deploy Diagnostic Settings for App Service Plan to Log Analytics workspace, [Deprecated]: Deploy Diagnostic Settings for App Service to Log Analytics workspace, [Deprecated]: Deploy Diagnostic Settings for Application Gateway to Log Analytics workspace, [Deprecated]: Deploy Diagnostic Settings for Automation to Log Analytics workspace, [Deprecated]: Deploy Diagnostic Settings for AVD Application group to Log Analytics workspace, [Deprecated]: Deploy Diagnostic Settings for AVD Host Pools to Log Analytics workspace, [Deprecated]: Deploy Diagnostic Settings for AVD Scaling Plans to Log Analytics workspace, [Deprecated]: Deploy Diagnostic Settings for AVD Workspace to Log Analytics workspace, [Deprecated]: Deploy Diagnostic Settings for Azure API for FHIR to Log Analytics workspace, [Deprecated]: Deploy Diagnostic Settings for Azure Bastion to Log Analytics workspace, [Deprecated]: Deploy Diagnostic Settings for Azure Data Explorer Cluster to Log Analytics workspace, [Deprecated]: Deploy Diagnostic Settings for Azure Function App to Log Analytics workspace, [Deprecated]: Deploy Diagnostic Settings for Azure Media Service to Log Analytics workspace, [Deprecated]: Deploy Diagnostic Settings for CDN Endpoint to Log Analytics workspace, [Deprecated]: Deploy Diagnostic Settings for Cognitive Services to Log Analytics workspace, [Deprecated]: Deploy Diagnostic Settings for Container Instances to Log Analytics workspace, [Deprecated]: Deploy Diagnostic Settings for Container Registry to Log Analytics workspace, [Deprecated]: Deploy Diagnostic Settings for Cosmos DB to Log Analytics workspace, [Deprecated]: Deploy Diagnostic Settings for Data Factory to Log Analytics workspace, [Deprecated]: Deploy Diagnostic Settings for Data Lake Analytics to Log Analytics workspace, [Deprecated]: Deploy Diagnostic Settings for Database for MySQL to Log Analytics workspace, [Deprecated]: Deploy Diagnostic Settings for Database for PostgreSQL to Log Analytics workspace, [Deprecated]: Deploy Diagnostic Settings for Databricks to Log Analytics workspace, [Deprecated]: Deploy Diagnostic Settings for Event Grid subscriptions to Log Analytics workspace, [Deprecated]: Deploy Diagnostic Settings for Event Grid System Topic to Log Analytics workspace, [Deprecated]: Deploy Diagnostic Settings for Event Grid Topic to Log Analytics workspace, [Deprecated]: Deploy Diagnostic Settings for ExpressRoute to Log Analytics workspace, [Deprecated]: Deploy Diagnostic Settings for Firewall to Log Analytics workspace, [Deprecated]: Deploy Diagnostic Settings for Front Door to Log Analytics workspace, [Deprecated]: Deploy Diagnostic Settings for HDInsight to Log Analytics workspace, [Deprecated]: Deploy Diagnostic Settings for IoT Hub to Log Analytics workspace, [Deprecated]: Deploy Diagnostic Settings for Load Balancer to Log Analytics workspace, [Deprecated]: Deploy Diagnostic Settings for Log Analytics to Log Analytics workspace, [Deprecated]: Deploy Diagnostic Settings for Logic Apps integration service environment to Log Analytics workspace, [Deprecated]: Deploy Diagnostic Settings for Machine Learning workspace to Log Analytics workspace, [Deprecated]: Deploy Diagnostic Settings for Network Interfaces to Log Analytics workspace, [Deprecated]: Deploy Diagnostic Settings for Network Security Groups to Log Analytics workspace, [Deprecated]: Deploy Diagnostic Settings for Power BI Embedded to Log Analytics workspace, [Deprecated]: Deploy Diagnostic Settings for Redis Cache to Log Analytics workspace, [Deprecated]: Deploy Diagnostic Settings for Relay to Log Analytics workspace, [Deprecated]: Deploy Diagnostic Settings for SignalR to Log Analytics workspace, [Deprecated]: Deploy Diagnostic Settings for SQL Elastic Pools to Log Analytics workspace, [Deprecated]: Deploy Diagnostic Settings for SQL Managed Instances to Log Analytics workspace, [Deprecated]: Deploy Diagnostic Settings for Time Series Insights to Log Analytics workspace, [Deprecated]: Deploy Diagnostic Settings for Traffic Manager to Log Analytics workspace, [Deprecated]: Deploy Diagnostic Settings for Virtual Machine Scale Sets to Log Analytics workspace, [Deprecated]: Deploy Diagnostic Settings for Virtual Machines to Log Analytics workspace, [Deprecated]: Deploy Diagnostic Settings for Virtual Network to Log Analytics workspace, [Deprecated]: Deploy Diagnostic Settings for VPN Gateway to Log Analytics workspace, [Deprecated]: Deploy Diagnostic Settings for VWAN S2S VPN Gateway to Log Analytics workspace, Configure diagnostic settings for Blob Services to Log Analytics workspace, Configure diagnostic settings for File Services to Log Analytics workspace, Configure diagnostic settings for Queue Services to Log Analytics workspace, Configure diagnostic settings for Storage Accounts to Log Analytics workspace, Configure diagnostic settings for Table Services to Log Analytics workspace, Deploy - Configure diagnostic settings for Azure Kubernetes Service to Log Analytics workspace, Deploy - Configure diagnostic settings for SQL Databases to Log Analytics workspace, Deploy Diagnostic Settings for Batch Account to Log Analytics workspace, Deploy Diagnostic Settings for Data Lake Analytics to Log Analytics workspace, Deploy Diagnostic Settings for Event Hub to Log Analytics workspace, Deploy Diagnostic Settings for Key Vault to Log Analytics workspace, Deploy Diagnostic Settings for Logic Apps to Log Analytics workspace, Deploy Diagnostic Settings for Recovery Services Vault to Log Analytics workspace for resource specific categories., Deploy Diagnostic Settings for Search Services to Log Analytics workspace, Deploy Diagnostic Settings for Service Bus to Log Analytics workspace, Deploy Diagnostic Settings for Stream Analytics to Log Analytics workspace, Public IP addresses should have resource logs enabled for Azure DDoS Protection
History none
JSON compare
compare mode: version left: version right: